levi's story
From Levi's Obituary:
Levi Richard Hughes, age 3, was a cherished son and baby brother. His parents, Jonathan and Nicole Hughes, and his adoring big sisters, Lily (age 9) and Reese (age 5) are heart broken. His tragic death on June 10, 2018, is just one part of his story.
His real story is constantly jumping, running, yelling, being ALL BOY. Levi’s story is playing outside with his Daddy, riding his bike to the top of the hill. His story is snuggling with his Mama, asking for “all of the hugs” and “all of the kisses.” It’s playing hide and seek behind the curtains, giggling, with Reese. His story is jumping on the trampoline with Lily, his oldest sister (and his second mom). His story is every life he touched with his energy, laughing, and pure physical-ness.
He leaves behind a large extended family of loving grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. His family’s lives are shattered, but they would choose all of this over, again, just to have had these three years with him.

Levi Richard Hughes was an energetic, silly 3 year old boy. His family traveled to Fort Morgan, AL every year for an annual beach trip with 5 other families. On Sunday evening June 10, 2018, the group was finishing dinner at the beach house. Levi was watching TV with several kids, waiting until it was dark enough to go crab hunting. He was wearing a neon yellow shirt that matched his Dad's. Somehow, he slipped out the door (in a room with 10 adults and multiple children), went down the stairs, and fell into the pool. He rarely left his mom's side, and they do not know what lured him to go outside alone. Mere moments passed before his mom looked over the balcony and saw him at the bottom of the deep end. His mom had split a brownie with him; when she jumped into the pool, the other half of the brownie was still in her mouth. Their friends, including 6 physicians, tried desperately to save him before he was airlifted to Mobile Children’s Hospital. He never regained consciousness. Levi’s family is devastated. Despite the unimaginable pain, though, they are choosing to advocate for water safety and to live a purposeful life for their daughters, whom Levi adored.